Did your 2018 start out like so many other years? Full of promise and a fresh start? Did you make a list of all the things you will conquer this year? Are you like 80% of the population that has abandoned the resolutions already?
A lack of a plan leads to leaving the goals in the dust by the end of January and thinking, "I'll get it next year!".
If you are struggling to stay on track with the goals you set at the start of 2018, this is the episode for you. Fine-tuning your goals to be specific, targeted and time-sensitive is an essential start to the goal-setting process. In order to manage your stress, goal-setting and planning are imperative.
Goal setting can be overwhelming, especially if you are focused on many new goals. When you are overwhelmed, it's hard to stay focused, especially if there is not a plan behind each goal.
Today we break down 3 strategies to manage your goals so that you feel equipped and confident with a plan to accomplish them. Starting with a few goals in the areas of life that are your biggest priority is a great place to start.
The overwhelm is no-more with these goal setting strategies. Tell me what goals you have and if you have a plan to accomplish them!