Episode 8: From trauma to thriving (PODCAST)

Episode 8: From trauma to thriving (PODCAST)

From trauma to thriving: Cha'Lea Stafford shares her journey that led to autoimmune disease and how she thrives where she is

Cha'Lea Stafford sits down with me to discuss her traumatic childhood and how she has managed an autoimmune disorder which is a result of Adverse Childhood Experiences. 

We walk through her journey of perfectionism, achievement, anger, hurt, and the need for chaos in her life. 

"The stress doesn't ever disappear. I had to learn to be aware of it, define what they are and release them" -Cha'Lea Stafford 



- Ericka

Episode 6: Jessica Walman: Where Is The Joy? (PODCAST)

Episode 6: Jessica Walman: Where Is The Joy? (PODCAST)

Jessica Walman: Where Is The Joy?

Jessica Walman is a leading marketing strategist and Facebook Ad Expert. She shares her journey from corporate America to uncovering a talent she has for maximizing advertising strategies through Facebook ads. 

Jessica was faced with the dilemma we all face as entrepreneurs or working executives, how do we find the time to enjoy our life and freedom that we are supposed to be creating? 

- Ericka

Episode 5: From Breakdown to Life Coach (PODCAST)

Episode 5: From Breakdown to Life Coach (PODCAST)

From Breakdown to Life Coach: Brian Canavan shares his personal of mental breakdown & recovery

Brian Canavan is a coach who shares how his personal mental breakdown and depression helped him learn what is truly important in life. 

Our conversation of identities assumed, pursuing success at all costs, and focusing on what the world says you should acquire will leave you inspired, hopeful, and intentional in the life you create. 

- Ericka

Episode 4: How Do I Serve My Clients? (PODCAST)

Episode 4: How Do I Serve My Clients? (PODCAST)

Learn how my clients get transformative results and recover from Adrenal Fatigue & burnout! I share the 4 ways I work with clients to achieve a sustainable lifestyle and changes in their health. 

- Ericka

Episode 3: From Burnout to Cancer to Thriving (PODCAST)

Episode 3: From Burnout to Cancer to Thriving (PODCAST)

Jessica Stapleton joins me in today's interview to discuss her personal journey of corporate success, burnout, an international move, a cancer diagnosis and how she learned to cope with the stressors in her life. 

- Ericka

Episode 2: The Story of My Second Burnout (PODCAST)

Episode 2: The Story of My Second Burnout (PODCAST)

In this episode, I share I suffered through burnout a second time because I believed I needed to be more of a "human-doing" than a human being. Learn what the symptoms of burnout looked like for me this time around. 

Never resting, not asking for help, and continuously feeling like I need to achieve led me to hit the wall again. I was pouring from an empty cup even when my life was so full of goodness! 

- Ericka

Episode 1: The Story of My First Burnout (PODCAST)

Episode 1: The Story of My First Burnout (PODCAST)

Welcome to the Vulnerable You Podcast where stress is unscripted!

Join me in this episode as I share the story of my first personal burnout which led to Adrenal Fatigue and hormone imbalance.

I am so excited that you’re here and I can’t wait to begin this journey on the Vulnerable You podcast with you.

- Ericka

Why Is Magnesium Important?

Why Is Magnesium Important?

It is almost impossible to find a part of the body that wouldn’t be affected by a magnesium deficiency. For example: your brain, cardiovascular and digestive systems, muscular and nervous systems, liver and kidneys, hormone secreting glands and even your blood all rely on magnesium for proper metabolic functioning. Like other macro minerals, your body doesn’t naturally produce magnesium. In this blog we’ll take a closer look at the roles magnesium plays in the body, what happens when you don’t get enough, and my recommended food sources.

How to Create a New Habit Or Break a Bad Habit?

How to Create a New Habit Or Break a Bad Habit?

When discussing stress management, the conversation about habits comes into play.


Your habits over time (conscious and unconscious) will determine how effectively you manage your stress and that, in turn, will impact your health. They also can lend to burnout or Adrenal Fatigue when not managed effectively or intentionally.

Why is Vitamin C important when you have stress?

Why is Vitamin C important when you have stress?

As you surely know by now, vitamin C is essential to health. Although it is commonly used to prevent scurvy and for immune support, there are many other benefits to taking vitamin C. For example, increased concentrations of vitamin C in the blood have been shown to have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, skin, nervous system, teeth, bone density, immune function, and glands such as the thymus, adrenals and thyroid. Scientific studies have linked vitamin C with immune system function and the health of the eyes, cardiovascular system, liver, and joints.

How does awareness affect habits?

How does awareness affect habits?

Let’s discuss habits. I can already feel the eye rolling coming from you.

This isn’t necessarily where we like to focus our attention. We typically create and set goals. We plan and strive. Yet, we don’t have a system or process to achieve the goals. This is why 80 percent of people who make New Years Resolution will not follow through in the year, and most have quit by February.

It’s way more fun to write a list of 10 things to change in the new year and envision the new person we want to create. However, it’s not as fun to create new habits that surround those goals. Doing the actual work seems less inspiring and much more stressful than writing ideas in our pretty new journal or planner,

Let’s take weight loss as an example because that is the #1 goal for New Year Resolutions. You might say that your goal is to lose 30 pounds in the new year. That sounds reasonable, right? 30 pounds in 12 months. Totally doable.

You create that goal and an extreme idea of what you will do to get there.

You pledge “I am working out everyday from now on” but you haven’t worked out consistently in three years.

You swear off sugar and alcohol and by the end of day three with your perfect diet of eating a restricted diet, you are chasing a donut with a glass of wine.

Needless to say, the workout streak didn’t last and you were back to your familiar eating habits.

What happened?

You became focused on a goal but you didn’t have the awareness of your current habits and patterns to change your system to get to your goal.

Why do we have bad habits?

According to James Clear and his best-selling book, Atomic Habits, “habits are just a series of automatic solutions that solve the problems and stresses you face regularly. If that is true, what created our “bad habits” or our series of automatic solutions?

  • Lack of awareness

Changing habits or creating new habits will be challenging because we aren’t focused on the “WHY” or the deeper reason for prompting change. We have to ask ourselves questions before we rattle off a list of things that we will never do again or all the new things we will begin to implement.

WHY do we need to change? WHO do we want to become?

These are questions rarely asked because we focus on what we want to achieve without considering who we need to become in order to achieve the “what”.

Becoming an Olympic swimmer is a great goal but swimming endless hours in a pool isn’t the only component. It is well known that Michael Phelps has a very regimented schedule that focuses on sleep, mindset, nutrition, weight training, and of course, swimming.

He understands that the “who” will lead to the “what”.

Instead of saying “ I need to lose weight”, change it to “I am a woman who makes her health a priority”.

This shift in thinking will take you from outcome-based habits (the typical way we approach change) to identity-focused habits (the new, sustainable way).

  • Looking at circumstances and events instead of choices made.

This is an interesting thing because it means we must focus on the decisions we make each day that lend to the habits we currently have. Rather than allowing circumstances to dictate our feelings and actions, we become accountable to ourselves by realizing we choose to make certain choices that lead to our habits, good or bad.

I frequently hear clients tell me that a certain event or holiday was to blame for “falling off the track” and I go into mindset coach mode when I help them see that birthdays don’t have the power to make decisions. We make decisions based off of thoughts and feelings about circumstances or situations.

The problem with that model is that our brains hate for us to feel uncomfortable. It doesn’t feel safe. And sometimes, it feels hard and we have no desire to experience difficult emotions. Therefore, we stick with the safe choice which is how we get stuck in familiar patterns (emotional eating, poor boundaries under stress, little sleep, etc.) It is incredibly important to acknowledge your part in making a choice, whether it’s a choice you make intentionally or out of habit, own it. You make those choices.

It’s much easier to blame a situation or somebody else than to take ownership and say “I made the choice”. Once you get into new thinking where you evaluate your emotions and the decisions you make based on those thoughts and feelings, it will be eye-opening!

  • Poor mindset (“this is too hard”) to change

Why does it feel so hard to lose weight? Why does changing habits feel so hard? Why does any change feel difficult?

It becomes very easy to get overwhelmed when you are facing changes that seem enormous or are an extreme difference from where you are today. Looking at the “mountain top” from the bottom of the hill can feel impossible. When looking at the end goal without a process or plan, we will typically choose the “easy” path that has, oftentimes, led us to the very spot we are in today.

Without a plan, it can feel like you are digging a tunnel with a teaspoon. We say to ourselves, “this is not working. It’s no use.” and then we revert back to what we know. We love familiar.

In order to break past that self-sabotage, we must take on a new mindset. A growth mindset.

We have to resolve that change is difficult, but not impossible. We must begin to BELIEVE that we can change and we are worthy of change.

Having processes in place to make change is also important. When I ran my half-marathon nine years ago, I didn’t decide that I would go from running 3 miles a few times a week to running 13.1 the next day. I set a gradual training plan that started right where I was and built up slowly from there. I paced myself to get to the goal of running 13.1 miles over a period of 6 weeks. To be honest, that probably was a bit ambitious because I ended up not walking upright for almost two weeks after the race!!!

However, it was my mindset that I kept having having to shift because that little annoying voice would say, “why are you doing this?? This hurts!! STOP!!”.

It did hurt. I wanted to stop. But I also kept telling myself “just get to that pole” and then I would find another landmark to trick my brain. And kept going from there. Other runners encouraged each other.

At mile 12, I didn’t think I could run another step. As I walked another runner came up and shuffled next to me. What he said to me comes back to my mind whenever I need to push through something to find victory. “You didn’t just run 12 miles to quit one mile before the finish line, did you? C’mon! Anyone can do a mile! Let’s go!”

Slowly, my pace went from my feet barely lifting off the black pavement to a slow trot and I finished with a full out sprint!

It WAS hard! I don’t have any aspiration to do it again but I had resist the urge to quit. I had to change my mindset from “this is awful” to “just a little bit further until I have completed a half marathon!”.

Our urges are different. Maybe it’s not eating the donuts in the break room. Maybe it’s skipping your daily walk. Maybe the TV is beckoning you away from work and tempting you with Netflix. We are programmed to just give in to the urge because the other thing we are avoiding is more difficult, according to our mindset.

Whatever, it is friend, the thing you are really trying to dig into-a healthier you, better work habits, a thriving business, a more active, vibrant you-will be hard…right now. Over time, it gets easy and you have to remind yourself that hard is ok. You can do it anyway.

Why do you want to change a habit or create a new habit?

As you consider creating new habits or breaking bad habits, ask yourself the following questions:

  •  What type of person do I want to be? (What is the identity you desire? Ex. I don’t want to read a book, I want to become a reader)

  • What outcomes do I desire? (not just read 12 books in a year, but increase knowledge and intellect, improve life through wisdom)

  • Is there a legacy I am wanting to create? (how do I want to be remembered after I am gone?)

These questions will get you on the right path towards creating new, identity-based habits that are much more sustainable and impactful than wishful goals.

Until next time, wishing you …

Whole Health. Whole Love. Whole Success.

In health,


Is balance a myth?

Is balance a myth?

Today I want to address a little bit more about a particular topic that I get asked about a lot and it has to do with balance. Everybody wants to know:

  • How do we do balance?

  • How do we make that feel right?

  • How do we manage all of the things in our life?

Balance truly feels like a struggle for so many people especially when you think about the things that you are trying to accomplish in your day to day life: your schedule, your work, your family, your health, etc.

What are some of the things that we are struggling to balance?


I would say one of the top things that my clients wonder about how to handle is their work in relation to everything else... it’s on the top of so many female minds. 

How do you balance your work life with your family life.? Faith? How do you balance relationships? How do you balance involvement in activities like church or community events? How do you find time for fun? How do you balance health-how do you fit in exercise and eating healthy?

Question of the year, right? How do we fit it all in?!?!

Having all of these tasks that need to be done, these obligations, and wondering “how in the world do I manage to stay healthy and not burn out”? Here's something that I want you to think about, we are being sold this lie of a superwoman complex. We're being told by society and a lot of “experts”- coaches, trainers, and psychologists, we can have it all, do it all and do it really well and that is a fallacy that is being sold to us as women. We're given this information and then we're taking it and holding onto that as truth of this is what we must do. And, do it all exceptionally well.

What's the caveat with balance?

Here's a little secret: the caveat (and truth!) to balance is that there is no such thing as balance because it is simply impossible to do every single thing all of the time and do everything exceptionally well!

When we say yes to something there will always be something that we say no to. And, when we say no to something that is totally okay!. Don’t feel bad because you say no.


When we say no to something then we're saying yes to something else. If you're saying no to your health but you're saying yes to to work life, that is a choice you are making in that moment. However, you can’t say yes to health, yes to your work, or yes to your family, yes to fun, and yes to relationships simultaneously. Those are important things to say yes to and they need specific time and attention

Know that when you put your attention on one thing, your attention falls away from other things. There are seasons where certain things are more of a priority than others.

I have had a season where work was more of a priority than my health and relationships. Transversely, I had a time where I was obsessed with health and I made very little time for anything else.

When I work with women, we take a look at what the priorities are in their life currently and what do they want to make a priority at that given time. Focusing on three priorities is a good place to know where to put your attention and time. Only three.

I help women uncover what they want to do, how they want to feel, and how they imagine their day. For example, there are obligations that I say no to because I just can't put that on my plate; I know that it will take away from my time with God, family life, and making health a priority- the three things that are the most important to me based on who I want to be, how I want to feel, and how I want to lead my life.

choose your “yes”.

There is not balance, there are choices. Choices become your selection of focus for your time and attention. What will you say “yes” to?

One thing I have found to be true as I help women recover from burnout and Adrenal Fatigue: Burnout is never sudden. Burnout comes from a series of choices where your priorities are unclear.

We can’t say yes to everything except health and then be surprised, frustrated, and angry because we feel so fatigued and sick!

If somebody has an expectation for me, for something that is not a priority for me then I have an obligation to say no to that.

Did you catch that? You not only have a right to say no, it’s your obligation. Otherwise, I know that I'm not going to necessarily do it well and even feel resentful that I have to do it. Right?

When I say yes, I want it to matter. I want my choices and actions to be congruent to the woman God created me to be and who I desire to become.

We say yes to things without having our own boundaries established in our lives. We say yes to things that mean we must say no to something that is more important to us. And then we get frustrated because we wonder how we can do it all!

I think everybody gets tied up in this internal conflict. We struggle with this balance piece because, really, it's us feeling obligated to say yes to all of the things, and you can’t say yes to all of the things. Saying yes to all of the expectations and obligations means that nothing gets done well because we are trying so hard to put the same effort into everything.

Understanding that balance is a lie is the first step in defining priorities. It's a matter of us choosing what we want our focus to be on. Make choices based on that every time.

avoid burnout.

I hope that this gave some insight especially because I know there are so many people telling you right now that you can do all the things, and you can do them well. They tell you to be superwoman and you should take on more things.

My challenge to you is to say no to the things that don't need to be taken on by you. Because though that leads to resentment, that also leads to burnout. If you think that maybe you are in a place of burnout or you're approaching that place, I want to encourage you to download “5 Signs of Burnout” checklist by clicking the button down below.

It gives you an indication of some of the things that are warning signs to you that there is too much on your plate. As you tried to balance it all, it's really becoming a consuming thing for you. And, ultimately it leads to chronic fatigue and burnout. And, that is certainly the very thing that we don't want.

Start making choices that are reflective of the life you want by becoming aware of the signs and symptoms of burnout and Adrenal Fatigue.

Just Listed!.jpg

In health,


Anxiety...Taming the Monster

Anxiety...Taming the Monster

Today, I have a treat for you! I have asked my dear friend, Rebecca Hamlin, a LCSW (licensed clinical social worker) that knows so much about the stories we tell ourselves when we are in a state of anxiety/fear/stress/shame/anger, to write something for us here on my piece of the interwebs.

Because she is awesome and because she has the same heart for women- to help every one of us drop the anxiety and stress so that we can fully step into the purpose laid out for us by God, she said YES!

When I read this article she wrote, I kept yelling “YES!!”, as if I was surprised that she shared the same viewpoint. But I think the most exciting part for me was that MORE people are talking about the impact we have on our stress, anxiety, health, and overall well-being when we get to the root cause. I coach women struggling with Adrenal Fatigue and burnout that started with a mindset being rooted in anxiety.

I can throw vitamins at you all day long, but until we do the work to figure out the WHY behind your symptoms, we can’t initiate change, growth, and recovery.

I will stop typing now and let you read for yourself what the expert has to say:

There’s a lot of shame surrounding this topic and that’s why I think it’s so important to have these conversations….to shine a light, to educate, and to make sure that those who may struggle with anxiety know that they are not alone. Here’s the challenge though with this discussion…each individual’s journey with anxiety will be different – their symptoms will be different, the origin will be different, treatment recommendations will be different. Honestly, anxiety can feel like a big scary monster that looks different for a lot of people and there are a lot of ways that you can learn to tame that monster.

I will do my best to cover a wide spectrum of experiences, symptoms, and treatment approaches and to also provide some education about anxiety and some tools for becoming more grounded and more centered with the goal of promoting mental wellness for all of us – and I hope that will be really helpful…if you struggle with anxiety and even if you don’t.

In January of this year, I went through a season of anxiety. At the time, I couldn’t figure out what was causing it – though looking back now, I certainly have some guesses but what I was certain of was the inescapable and paralyzing fear. This season gave me a new perspective on anxiety - both symptoms and approaches. It gave me an opportunity to practice what I preach and to change my relationship with anxiety, such invaluable learning for the rest of my life.

I want to share with you some of what I have learned and lived in just the past 12 months.


Anxiety disorders are the most common mental health disorder in the United States affecting 40 million adults – most of them women. Only 36.9% of the 40 million receive treatment.

Anxiety is an umbrella term that covers a wide variety of diagnosis including PTSD, OCD, Panic Disorder, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder, just to name a few.

Studies have declared millennial's the most anxious generation in history. There are a lot of hypothesis as to why this is but let me start with this encouraging information: there is mounting evidence to suggest that mental health is becoming a priority for millennial's – they’re more willing than previous generations to consult a therapist and to talk about their struggles openly, which is a powerful way to end the stigma and to shine a light on mental wellness.


Anxiety comes in many forms but almost always causes nervousness, fear, apprehension, and worrying. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling while severe anxiety can seriously affect day to day living.

There is a strong connection between emotional and physical symptoms and anxiety is often stored in the body…physical manifestations like rapid heart beat, rapid breathing, increasing blood pressure, lack of focus, irritability, nausea, sleepless nights, and muscle tension. When anxiety escalates it can be debilitating and have serious effects on our physical health. By some estimates as much as 80% of all disease and illness is initiated and aggravated by stress and anxiety, diseases like diabetes, heart disease, substance abuse, lower immune system, and GI distress.

With anxiety our body is reacting to a threat and the amygdala (the lower part of our brain) is hijacked – it’s literally as if we are being chased by a bear, and we respond with a fight, flight, or freeze response.

Typically anxiety is long-term and is a very internal experience – it’s possible to hide your anxiety and for no one to know the depth of your struggles. Anxiety is often steady and consistent and there may be no awareness of what is causing our anxiety - it often feels irrational or out of proportion with the actual likelihood or impact of the anticipated event. Anxiety is synonymous with a helpless/powerless feeling, which only leads to more anxiety, leaving you feeling completely stuck.


There is a continuum with anxiety which makes this conversation incredibly difficult. There are a lot of different origins and root causes, i.e. childhood onset, adult onset, anxiety caused by trauma, and then of course there are hormonal factors, such as postpartum anxiety.


Postpartum or Perinatal Mood Disorders, also known as PMD (which includes both postpartum depression and postpartum anxiety) is the most common medical complication of childbirth and it’s estimated that it effects 10 - 20% of women giving birth globally. In Pima county alone 4,000 women suffer with PMD. Baby blues last for a couple of weeks while symptoms that last longer indicate PMD. Sadness is only one symptom and other common symptoms include anxiety, irritability, and nagging self-doubt.

Here's the key to PMD, you don’t have to suffer alone! Here are a few steps if you or someone you love seems to be exhibiting symptoms of PMD;

· Talk to your doctor

· Learn more about the symptoms

· Know that it’s a common complication and it’s not your fault


For anxiety, most often the best treatment approach is a combination of both therapy and medication. Here’s my disclaimer about medication though…so often we want a quick fix. An easy solution to a complicated problem. I want to encourage you, if you’re struggling with anxiety to not simply treat the symptoms but to discover and treat the root cause. My experience is that anxiety is often rooted in trauma and shame. In many cases, healing is possible and you don’t have to live with anxiety forever. Healing from trauma and shame is the harder path but can lead to incredible freedom and joy.

Struggles with anxiety or even depression, don’t have to define you, in fact, learning to cope and manage it well can lead to being a wiser and more compassionate human, but we have to do the hard work of healing.

Here are some important factors to consider as we work at changing our relationship with anxiety.


As you work with a therapist, part of the process is self-learning and self-exploration. Understanding the emotional continuum and where you land on that will help you know how to treat your symptoms - both when you are experiencing acute anxiety and then how to lower your overall level of anxiety. In addition to understanding your anxiety intensity you will identify patterns and triggers and learn to avoid them if possible. Many people identify too much caffeine, not enough sleep, or too much social media as major anxiety triggers. When you’re more aware of these triggers you can do a better job of planning and preparing for them.


The second important step in treating anxiety, after learning about your anxiety, is to lower your overall anxiety level. When you work with a therapist, you will learn coping skills and distraction skills for both preventing anxiety (to the degree you are able to) and to manage anxiety. Everyone is different and different things work for different people so testing this and trying new things becomes really important. While there may be no cure for your particular anxiety, there are things that can help you in your journey. Just a few of the things I often recommend;

· Meditation – head space app

· Yoga

· Exercise

In addition to these tools, mindfulness becomes an invaluable skill. Anxiety means our brains are disconnecting from our bodies. Mindfulness becomes a priority to learn to manage anxiety. Get out of your head and into your body…slow down, be present and avoid judgement. Meditation and yoga are both great tools for developing and strengthening the skill of mindfulness.


Resiliency is a critical component to not allowing these struggles – if it’s anxiety or something completely different – to define us. How do we develop this skill?


Individuals who struggle with anxiety are more likely than the general population to feel lonely and isolated from others. Yet, close relationships are both preventative and restorative when it comes to emotional wellness. Our minds and emotions are healthiest when we maintain strong attachments to people whom we can be open, honest, and vulnerable.

I realize that there is still a significant amount of shame involved in being honest. My hope is that you will do the hard work of building a community where you can be honest about your struggles. There is freedom in honesty and honesty can begin the healing process. Freedom from shame and stigma releases us to do the work of healing – this work requires vulnerability, honesty, connection and empathy.

Thank you, Rebecca, for your honest and brave work. Visit her website.

If you are ready to embrace your wellness, starting with mindfulness and intention, head over to Revitalized Wellness! The 12-week group program is open now! There is an AMAZING bonus for those who join by 4/28! 💜

In health,


Stress Management: Pursuit for Peace

Stress Management: Pursuit for Peace

At the end of 2017 I received the best gift and the most unsatisfying diagnosis of severe hormonal imbalance with Hypothyroidism. Despite my focused approach to “health”, I had some major blind spots. I had to take a long, hard look at what was in my life that didn’t need to be and what was missing.


How does this happen to a health coach?

I’d gotten lost in the day to day. I was tied to my commitments and obligations. I was ruled by the “shoulds”. I allowed the “chores” to become my beacon of direction. What needed my attention? Who needed something from me? What wasn’t complete and was needing only me to be finished? These days turned to weeks and the weeks turned to months.  My life was much more reactive than intentional.

I focused on my work, my tasks, and “what can I control”?

In this season, I allowed all of the “shoulds” and “need-tos” to consume me. Yet, that wasn’t the part that rendered me ineffective as a wife, mom, daughter of God, friend, daughter, employee, or business owner. The largest missing piece for me was my time with God. I had allowed the excuses of why my health could not be a priority or why my time with God would be compromised during this season of my busy. You see, those things can’t be SEEN. They aren’t necessarily physically in front of me demanding my attention. God isn’t like a child, always pulling at you and grabbing your face to look at Him. He doesn’t give you deadlines to meet. He patiently waits for us to seek Him. I believe there are blessings within our days that God places to remind us of His faithfulness and love.  But you must be still to find them.

There was very little room for stillness. When I found it, I typically saw some shiny object begging for my attention, and there is where my attention went. “Sorry peace, you’ll just have to wait until I complete this project or travel for this conference or create more content” …blah blah blah.

I tend to strive for perfection and sometimes it paralyzes me and renders me ineffective, looking like a deer in headlights. I want to meet the expectations of all the people, I desire to please, and I will sometimes forget that my needs are important too. Does that sounds familiar?

I swapped out my morning walks for email responses and never-ending meetings about the meetings. I missed my time in nature, but God’s creation wasn’t going anywhere, right? So I kept striving. I was working about 50 hours a week in a full-time career and I was building my growing coaching practice. I was still a wife and a mom. I was burning the candle at both ends and pouring gasoline in the middle.

As time went on and the demands grew, it felt like walls were closing in on me. I yearned for time to just be. To be still and just be in God’s presence. My health wasn’t nearly as patient as God. The reminders of the importance of maintaining my health came frequent like an annoying neighbor kid who rings the doorbell every 30 minutes. I was fatigued most of the time, I started gaining weight, I was irritable with most, but especially my family. 

I was trying to manage my stress as best as I could and my symptoms smelled of Adrenal Fatigue but it seemed like something more. After my visit to my primary care physician, I was frustrated and confused. I KNEW something was off and all she could gather was a “mid-life slide”.

You know, the downhill slide you embark on once you hit 40 (and this was just before that)? Your metabolism slides down, your energy slides down, your weight slides up and your boobs and belly button also head south. She made me feel like my extreme fatigue, brain fog, irritability, weight gain, heavy periods and dry skin were just a sign that I had one foot in the grave and another on a banana peel. Her solution? How about an anti-depressant?!

I didn’t have a Xanax deficiency, my body was telling me (loudly) that I had no longer made my health a priority.

In my pursuit of success, I had lost the roadmap I give to my clients to prevent and recover from burnout. I had allowed the voice of social media and “experts” to shift my attention and priorities.

My next best steps?



Thankfully, I had created amazing connections with practitioners that I trusted to help me uncover the root cause of my symptoms. I asked for help. I knew that I couldn’t see all my blind spots. I needed some people to guide me through this time. I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and severe hormone imbalance. We are talking crazytown imbalance.

I gained new insight into what was going on within my body and a plan to lead me back to recovery and homeostasis. I had new adjustments to make. I also needed to focus on restorative exercise (yoga, walking, stretching, deep breathing).


As I was working on healing my body and recovering from stress induced hormone imbalance and hypothyroidism, I knew that I could no longer keep up the pace I was running in life. It was time to let go of my full-time position that I had held for over five years as a Business Development Manager of a supplement company and focus on my health, family, and growing coaching practice.

I understand that not everyone has the ability or luxury to take this step; I am so grateful that I could. I worked hard to build my practice and gain new clients (I’m still working on this!) and I desired to build upon what I had started a few years before.

It was time to shift my lifestyle to promote wellness. Again, let me say, the answer isn’t for everyone to quit their job and become a full-time entrepreneur (and this could be more stressful), the point is to dig in, seek God and ask what He has for you. For me, I had a calling to build my business and reach more women.

I allowed myself to build margin into my day. I allowed myself to rest. I allowed myself to just be.


Another “next best step” was for me to lean into God. I had missed the connection, the peace, the growth, and the relationship that I gained when I made time to listen to His voice. I couldn’t move forward without His direction.

This time of physical challenges left me grateful that I was given an opportunity to stop looking inward and instead, focus my eyes back to God. I had been living in my own strength for some time. It was time to get His help.

What did I learn?


In the past 12 months of changing my lifestyle, my career, my priorities I have learned so much about myself and was able to increase a better understanding of my clients. What were my main lessons?

I was not as much of a time-management ninja as I thought. Being in charge of your own time can be challenging when you do not report to anyone, have nobody expecting deliverables with a deadline, and have open structure to your day. I had to create structure for myself. My time is a commodity and I was wasting it at a neck-breaking speed. I had to implement systems, processes, and time limits to get things done (even writing this blog has a time limit).

Health is not a constant. Once you figure something out and feel pretty comfortable, you may need to make new changes. I have spent the past year doing lots of tweaking, testing, changing, and going back to the drawing board. I feel like I have a good hold of what is working for me to normalize my hormones and thyroid function but I understand that it can change and I will be ok when it does. Being frustrated and stressed about it doesn’t improve my health. I can only pay attention to what my body is telling me and move from there.

Comparison is a thief of joy. Embarrassingly, I spent too much of this past year looking at other coaches in my industry and wishing I was where they are. I wanted the number of clients they had, I wanted my website to look like theirs, I wanted my photos to look beautiful like theirs. I was focused on other people more than I was on my own journey. This creates a root of bitterness and resentment. It makes us discontent where we are. We get so focused on what we are lacking and where we want to be next that we miss the joy of right now.

What I came to know? I have a journey to experience and teach me. There are no short cuts. I can have a growth mindset or fixed mindset about my journey. I can be positive or negative. It’s up to me. I have a choice. Thankfully, I chose to embrace my place and I have felt the freedom and success that brings.

There are not fast fixes that last. We all want the easy button. I am totally guilty of this. Why draw out a process and the results to be had by taking the long way? Here’s why: Because the quick fixes are often not sustainable. They work temporarily because you can only do the work for a short time (think crash diets, long hours working, caffeine dependency) and they are never something you can build a healthy lifestyle around. I wanted to jump 1,000 steps forward . In my own health and business, I wanted to get to the glory days of success without the work…because that just feels better, right? I mean, why can’t it just be easy? You know the saying, “you don’t appreciate what you didn’t earn”? It’s true. I have earned my success (and I will continue to earn my future success) in my current business and health and family life and it’s amazing to know I put in the work. I appreciate the people, the journey, and the results so much more. The best part? I can keep this pace forever or until God asks me to change my direction.

Community is key. I have had struggles in my path (and some continue) but I asked for help. I knew that I couldn’t do everything on my own. I have an amazing support system between my husband, kids, friends, and experts that help guide me, pray for me, keep me accountable and check in on my progress.

We tend to have a default setting that tells us we can do it all alone; it will be faster, cheaper, and keep the anonymity. If we don’t share the struggle, it’s not really a struggle, right? WRONG. It continues to fester and eat away at us until burnout, breakdown, or both, happen. Gather your people and ask for help. Seek expert advice and trust the process.

What does this mean for you?

I pray that my lessons offer a light of hope for you. In my struggles, observations, and research, I was able to better understand you! I understand your stress (even better!) and I know how to help you increase your energy, focus, time management to improve your success in work, family, and lifestyle.

During this year, I was able to fine-tune my programs based off of feedback and need. Revitalized Wellness is now open and offers you a sustainable roadmap to beating burnout! Click the link to find out more about the 12-week group program that is offering my clients AMAZING results-greater than they imagined!

I am making this journey one of ease for you (notice I didn’t say EASY). I guide you, you become more aware of your lifestyle, choices, and the impact on your health.

Drop the shame.

Lose the guilt.

Feel empowered.

Believe you can feel better.

Accept help.

Make a choice.

I hope you choose you.

In health, Ericka 💜

Additional resources:

Facebook Live - What causes burnout?

5 Ways Stress Impacts Weight Loss

What is Adrenal Fatigue and how does it impact health? - Interview with Dr. James Wilson

How my pursuit of "perfection" led me to burnout

The question frequently asked of me: How does one become an expert in stress and adrenal fatigue? My answer: go through burnout twice and get mentored by the leading expert in Adrenal Fatigue, Dr. James L. Wilson.

Did you catch that? Twice. I suffered through a burnout TWICE.

You would think I would figure out what went wrong in my health and not do that again, right? That seems reasonable for sure; however, my burnouts were a result of two completely different circumstances.

Something to note: it’s not unusual to hear from my clients suffering through burnout for a second time; they slowly slid back into a lifestyle that resulted in the first burnout and leads to a second episode.

That isn’t necessarily my story, but I do find my story to be the same story of most women. I was striving for perfection.

My first burnout (and the focus of this blog post) was a result of over-exercising and under-eating. After going on birth control in 1999, I struggled with maintaining a healthy weight. I decided to stop taking the pill in 2000 after suffering debilitating migraines. I had never experienced headaches of this magnitude before and the pill was really the only thing that had changed in my life that could be leading to severe headaches. After I stopped the pill, the weight continued to be difficult to manage.

Add in getting pregnant and birthing three children in 5 years and weight loss seemed elusive. I tried everything under the sun to lose weight: fasting, Weight Watchers, juice cleanses, Isagenix, South Beach, Atkins, low fat- low calorie, Nutrisystem, diet pills. Everything.

In 2012, I went all in. Whatever it took, I would do. I sought coaching from a former physique competitor and began heavy weight training. I also added in a ton of cardio. I woke up at 2:30 AM to get to the gym at 3. I trained with weights for an hour and then did an hour of cardio.

I would go to work, come home and go for a 3-5 mile run. Sometimes I would play an exercise video on my laptop during my lunch hour and workout in the warehouse at my office.

I kept my calories around 1,200 most days and focused on consuming all the protein. I had two protein shakes a day. I was severely under-eating for the amount of activity I had each day. I became orthorexic. I measured and journaled each morsel. If I ate something that wasn’t “clean”, I added in extra exercise. I felt shame and guilt for not being “perfect”.

This went on for 1 ½ years. During this time, I went through a divorce, became a single mom, switched from a part-time photographer to a full-time business development manager that traveled, got into another relationship that was unhealthy, and now had this obsessive “fitlife”.

I had lost 40 pounds and was the leanest I had ever been since high school. To society, I looked perfect. I never saw it. I was so critical of myself. I was addicted to the creation of my “perfect” body. I yearned for better and continued to drive myself until I hit the wall. In 2014, I got so sick that I was out of work for close to three weeks.

Almost every infection possible had hit me at once (sinus, double ear, upper respiratory, urinary tract, and eye). I went through multiple rounds of antibiotics to recover. I was left weak, fatigued, and lethargic.

The ironic part? I was working with THE leading stress and Adrenal Fatigue expert, Dr. James L. Wilson. In fact, my job was to train and educate practitioners that were treating their patients for symptoms of stress that led to Adrenal Fatigue. I knew what led to Adrenal Fatigue and burnout. I taught medical practitioners how to treat their patients. I had the tools and education. But I didn’t live it. I thought I was living the healthy life!

I exercised. I ate clean. I took my supplements. But it was excessive. There was no rest. No grace for myself. No room to be gentle. Rest days were only for those who didn’t want it enough.


The Road to Recovery

This incident of burnout led me to an entire new life and perspective of wellness. Dr. Wilson helped guide me back to a path to healing and health. I found out my hormones were a mess, my cortisol levels were completely opposite of what they should be, and I had some severe vitamin deficiencies. As I researched my way to recovery, I took my mentoring and education to heart. It lit a fire deep within me to teach other women how to avoid burnout and pursue recovery.

I had already begun coaching women on a weight loss journey, but I changed the way I coached my clients after my burnout because I realized I was leading women toward the same disaster I had just gone through myself. And so many other coaches have been doing the same!

We have women chasing this “ideal” and compromising their health in doing so. I have made it my personal mission to offer a comprehensive and holistic approach to prevent and recover from burnout. It’s not enough to give a client a meal and exercise plan; we must address the emotional, lifestyle, and nutritional changes that need to take place for sustainable results.

The effects of stress on the body are of enormous proportion. When a stress response is kicked on (and stays on in times of chronic stress), EVERYTHING is affected: hormones, blood sugar, digestive system, brain cognition, immune system, tissue health.


Adrenal Fatigue doesn't have to be permanent.

Adrenal Fatigue is completely preventable when you are intentional towards a holistic approach to health. Stress is a choice, burnout is a result.

If you think you may be suffering from burnout, click the button to download “5 SIGNS OF BURNOUT” to understand the symptoms and steps needed to promote recovery.

What questions do YOU have about adrenal fatigue? Let me know in the comments!

How hormone imbalance leads to adrenal fatigue

Hello sisters,

This week I want to talk about one of the most critical topics that I think I can address to women that are undergoing a tremendous amount of chronic stress. And, that is how stress affects your hormone levels.

You might have gone into your doctor's office with some of these symptoms only to be told that you should be put on an antidepressant or an anti anxiety medication. Not cool at all!

What I share with you today will give you hope for creating a new lifestyle that promotes hormone wellness.

how stress impacts hormone imbalance?

This is one of the top questions that I get from clients. They want to know if their stress has an impact on hormone imbalance. And, I say with a resounding YES! It definitely impacts your hormone balance. I know this from first hand experience. I've shared with you guys my story of burnout number two. That was basically a result of me filling my life with lots and lots of good, wonderful things but not having boundaries, not being able to say no to anybody because I felt like nobody could do the things that I can do in the way that I can do it.

I wasn't delegating. I was taking everything on and I wanted to please people. I wanted people to know that they could count on me. That resulted in a severe hormone imbalance with a burnout.

Visit to the doctor

I went to the doctor with some of these symptoms because I knew something wasn't right. This wasn't the way that I normally was. I sat in disbelief in her office as I rattled off all of these symptoms, and I said I know that there's something wrong because this isn't the way I normally am. I don't feel like this typically.

she said at that time I wasn't quite 40 and she said “you're almost 40, you have a very busy lifestyle, and it's pretty normal for you to be tired and your metabolism is slowing down.”

So, all of these things are very normal? I've been in the wellness industry for over six years now. And, at that time I had plenty of education and training to know that this wasn't normal. This wasn't something that I should just chalk up to getting older because I was not ready to settle into that complacent midlife lifestyle.

With the help of a natural path and some other practitioners and educators I was able to rebound and regain healthy hormone balance because they are connected.

What do your hormones have to do with your stress levels?

Some of your sex hormones are actually produced in your adrenal glands because you have a lifestyle that leaves you in a chronic stress response. Then those hormones are going to be affected and as a result you may have an under production or an overproduction of certain hormones.

Some of the symptoms that you might be experiencing from a hormone imbalance are going to be:

  • Increased PMS symptoms.

  • I was like a raging lunatic.

  • Weight gain

  • Increased belly fat

  • Breakouts

  • Irritability

  • Increased blood sugar

  • Loss of sleep

  • Low libido.

I'm telling you ladies these symptoms can be super quick with the onset and I'm saying I gained a matter of 10 pounds in two weeks. I wish I was kidding with that 10 pounds in two weeks. Pants that fit me a week ago, I had no chance of buttoning. So, then I buy the next size up, Right? And, then the week after that.

How unfair is that when you have some of these symptoms? These symptoms can lead to hypothyroidism, PCOS, low progesterone levels, cortisol and blood sugar imbalance, or estrogen dominance. All of those things could be a result of a chronic stress lifestyle.

You're hearing me talk about hormone imbalance some of the symptoms and some of the results of those symptoms. You're probably wondering what to do now? Well, there are three main things that you have to address in order to maintain or rebalance healthy hormones.

What to do?

The first thing is you want to focus on lifestyle changes which means you're managing your stress in an entirely different way.

The second thing would be to make changes in your diet reducing inflammatory foods eating in a way that is fueling your body rather than stealing nutrients or not even having nutrients at all.

The third piece is supplementation. This is going to be key to your hormone recovery. So, how do you find out if you have a hormone imbalance? I recommend senior practitioner for an extensive blood panel or saliva panel.

I prefer saliva. That's what I recommend to my clients and I think it's just a much more comprehensive look at how cortisol is tied. With saliva you're getting a look at your hormones through out the day what the circulating hormones that are in your blood system at the time of collection.

It's not just a peak at one time of the day but it's taking a look at what the pattern is through the day. Again it's not something that is set in stone because it's just a glimpse.

Your symptoms are going to be the most telling but getting that picture from a blood test or a saliva test gives you a better indication of what's happening.

I actually did an interview about a year ago with Candace Burch who is a hormone educator. She previously worked with zero labs which was one of the labs that I recommend for saliva testing. We had a really in-depth conversation about hormone imbalance and how stress is related.

Click here take a look at that because that is just full of really good education and information for you.

30-day stress reset program

If you recognize that these symptoms are affecting your life in a negative way and really preventing you from being the person that you want to be, then I am inviting you to take a look at my 30 day stress reset program where I give you a kick start into revitalized wellness.

With this program. You get a vitamin and mineral comprehensive protocol that really addresses a body that's under stress. And, it helps to deliver nutrients back to the body.

I also give you a truly in depth PBF guide where we talk about lifestyle. We talk about diet. We talk about sleep and whole of the things that really affect your body from a hormonal state of being.

We take a look at how stress impacts your body with 30 day stress reset guide. I help you to lose the shame, the worry, the confusion, the self-doubt, and the disbelief in yourself thinking that maybe this is all your fault.

Ladies I'm telling you that this is something that you can fix with my guidance and your compliance to my suggestions. Then I guarantee you will be feeling like a brand new you click the link below to find out more about the 30 day stress reset program.

In health,


Now let's increase Cortisol

Now let's increase Cortisol

Last week we covered symptoms of high cortisol and I gave you some tips on how to naturally reduce your levels of increased cortisol.

This week we are talking about symptoms of a low cortisol

This week we're going to focus all on low cortisol and how you got to that place. Some of my clients will come to me with certain symptoms and typically what I see is that most people are coming with lowered cortisol symptoms. What's that mean? What are those symptoms look like.?

Well, last week I talked about high cortisol levels and how when you typically have higher levels of cortisol you're in a heightened state of stress. That means that you haven't been in a state of stress for a pretty long time because your body's ability to maintain the output of cortisol needed for that stress response is diminishing.

What are some of the symptoms of low cortisol?

Extreme fatigue
This is the number one thing that most of my clients are coming to me with.

Low blood pressure

Salt cravings

Very slow recovery from illness or an injury

Lack of appetite

Low blood sugar

Tend to have depressive tendencies

Hair loss is one of those symptoms as well

So if you are in a state of low cortisol, if you heard some of these symptoms and they are resonating with you; don't worry I'm giving you four tips today on how to increase those levels naturally and fairly quickly.

How to increase cortisol

Decrease your caffeine

Because as you rely on stimulants to increase your energy because you're so fatigued, you are basically doing the work that your adrenal gland should be doing; to send that cortisol up but also you're really impacting your blood sugar levels. This is the thing that most in my clients want to just cover their ears and pretend like they didn't hear me.

You have those chronic up and down spikes. So, it's really important for you. As you are combating stress to really minimize or completely take out caffeine. I know that that seems like a really big feat to accomplish but trust me just taking a decrease each day makes a huge difference in your body's ability to recover.

Decrease sugar intake

For the same reason that you're going to decrease your caffeine consumption. Sugar acts as a stimulant and so you want to make sure that you're minimizing that intake as well. Plus, It's an inflammatory. (I mentioned in the video before with symptoms of high cortisol) You really want to decrease your inflammatory foods that you're taking in. And, sugar is one of the top inflammatory items.

You're increasing your vitamins, your minerals, and adaptogens.

The third thing and I think this is a really key piece that a lot of people are missing. I don't know if it's just a lack of knowledge or if it also seems like a really confusing thing to do. You want to make sure that you're increasing your vitamins, your minerals, and adaptogens to help balance your cortisol levels as your body is in a chronic state of stress.

It's truly depleting nutrients from your body and it's not a secret that we as an American society eat really poorly. Our foods are not nutrient rich. We're typically grabbing processed foods things that are quick through the drive, through fried fatty and just really nutrient poor. As you have a heightened state of stress or your fight or flight your body demands a lot more vitamins and minerals.

It's really important that you are supporting your body so that it can recover. I suggest a comprehensive protocol that includes vitamins, minerals, and adaptogenic herbs to ensure that your recovery is much faster and more complete than if you did it without.

Proper nutrition

You want to make sure that every meal you consume has a protein, a fat, and a carbohydrate. But the carbohydrate you want to make sure is more of a form of fiber.

Think leafy green vegetables. Diet is key when you are dealing with chronic stress. If you give your body back the nutrients that it needs especially in times of chronic stress, your recovery is going to be faster. You'll feel better and your cortisol levels will be more normalized.

If you're struggling with stress and you're wondering where to start especially as you read some of these tips while they might seem fairly easy you just don't know which way to go. I have a 30-Day Stress Reset kit for you!

In the kit, I give you a 30 day supply of vitamins, minerals, and adaptogens that are necessary for a body under stress.

You also get a comprehensive guide that truly takes you on a journey to wellness and revitalized health.

You don't have to do this alone. You don't have to be wandering without a map anymore because I give you everything you need within this kit! The protocol that is included in the 30 day stress reset is the very same protocol that I have my clients on when I'm working with them individually.

This is truly the most complete protocol that I have found on the market that is typically only available through practitioners but you can get it in your 30 day stress reset.

Click the link below to find out more about the kit with this kit. You are well on your way to a less stressed life and revitalized wellness and increased energy.


Let's decrease High Cortisol

Let's decrease High Cortisol

Hello my friends,

When you talk about stress and when you hear people talking about stress, cortisol is always included in those conversations when referring to the physical impact on your body.

what does it even mean for me to have high cortisol?

We're going to touch on that today and what you can do to lower those levels down.

So, what's the difference between when you have high cortisol and when you have low cortisol?

When you have high cortisol:

That means that you are in a heightened state of alert. Basically, your sympathetic response system, or your fight or flight system, has been activated and it hasn't been incredibly long that you've been in that state, relatively speaking. However, when you have prolonged heightened levels of cortisol, or chronic stress, that can lead to burnout or lowered cortisol production.

What are the symptoms if you have high cortisol? Some of your symptoms could be:

  • Difficulty falling asleep.

  • You have anxiousness or nervousness most of the time

  • You're super irritable

  • You have sugar cravings

  • You tend to have a foggy memory or just kind of that overall brain fog where thoughts are easily distracted and unclear.

  • You have skin conditions such as eczema, dry, itchy skin, or some sort of dermatitis.

  • Muscle weakness

  • Headaches

  • Weight gain

  • G.I. issues and high blood sugar levels.

You may have just read this list of symptoms and you're thinking “oh, man that is me.”

And it's OK because we are a stressed-out society. We tend to be in a heightened state of alert because we're always going. We're never resting. We feel like we have to be better, faster, stronger. We feel like we have to do more, achieve more, produce more. Busy is the new black.

It's no wonder that we have many of these symptoms!!

What can you do right now to start bringing your cortisol levels down?

Tips to lower your cortisol

I have five tips for you today to lower your cortisol levels in a very natural way.

1. Increase your sleep.

As you increase your sleep your body is able to be in a state of repair and rest. Your cells and your hormones are able to regenerate. The nutrients are actually turning and synthesizing; they're doing what they're supposed to do to keep you healthy, to keep you well. Sleeping will contribute to healthy cortisol levels by establishing a consistent circadian rhythm.

2. Increase your sun exposure.

You want to make sure that you're getting enough vitamin D by spending some time outdoors for at least 10 to 15 minutes each day without sunblock.

If you live in an area where it's not always as full of sunshine as we have here in Arizona then you want to make sure that you're taking a vitamin D 3 supplement but make sure it has K 2 included as well for optimal absorption.

3. Go for a walk.

The fresh air and deep breathing promotes lowered cortisol because you are actually taking that time to rest you are doing something good for yourself. Deep breaths are restorative.

4. Decrease your inflammatory food intake.

The top inflammatory foods to eliminate are going to be dairy, gluten, sugar, soy, and alcohol. Your body’s parasympathetic response is more likely Those foods just naturally tend to be the most inflammatory which increases cortisol. So if you can eliminate those foods your body will tend to have lower cortisol levels.

5. Make time for prayer & meditation.

Increasing your quiet time to include prayer and meditation will benefit you as you settle in a state of gratitude. Also in quietness and stillness, the rest will automatically lower your cortisol levels. Think of at least 3 things you are thankful for: flowers blooming in your yard, a project finally finishing, a vacation that has been scheduled, your new Lululemon leggings (ANYTHING!!).

And I've said before, thankfulness begets joy. It's really hard to feel stressed when you're in a state of gratitude. I dare you to try.


If stress is a familiar friend for you. I have created the 30-Day Stress Reset program to help your body become energized, balanced and recovered.

With the 30-Day Stress Reset Kit, you get a protocol that includes the vital nutrients that your body needs when it's under chronic stress and a comprehensive guide that helps lead you to a more relaxed and less stressed state.

You can click the link below to find out more in the 30 day stress reset kit.

In health,

Stress Management: How does stress affect digestion?

Stress Management: How does stress affect digestion?

Whether it stems from marriage trouble, trying to make grades at school, becoming a new parent, or one of countless other reasons, stress is a constant part of our lives. And while we normally think of anxiety, lack of sleep, and irritation as ways stress affects us, there’s one result from stress that often goes overlooked: our gut health.

Stress and gut health are more intertwined than you may think. When stressors enter our lives, our gut health is heavily impacted. It’s also true that ignoring our gut health affects how much stress is part of our lives. Stress is our body’s answer to any kind of challenge or danger.

Your body goes on full alert and instantly responds to the stress chemicals released into the bloodstream, such as cortisol and adrenaline. It also slows or even stops digestion so that the body can divert all its internal energy to facing a perceived threat. Unfortunately, in today’s high-stress world, our body never has a chance to reset, so we’re always feeling like we’re in fight or flight mode. Moreover, we’re responding to stressors that can’t be fought or fled from.

One of the biggest factors in our gut health is the microbes that live inside all of us. The gut microbiome is comprised of the bacteria, viruses, and fungi that live in your intestines and on your skin. There are as many as 1,000 species of bacteria living in our intestinal tract, and each one of them serves a different purpose. These friendly microbes help us digest certain types of food; aid in the production of vitamins, such as B and K; and help combat other aggressive microorganisms trying to wage war on our intestinal mucosa.

When we experience stress, our microbial diversity is reduced, which lowers the number of friendly flora that live inside us. This creates conditions in which undesirable strains of bacteria thrive, which can cause issues like low energy, uneven moods, poor complexion, difficulty sleeping, and a variety of stomach problems. Our gut microbiome composition also has an impact on our ability to handle stress, so it’s easy to get caught in a cycle of gut-brain stress if you’re not taking care of yourself.

Stress and Adrenal Fatigue can decrease nutrient absorption, increase nutrient excretion, affect how the body uses the nutrients, as well as increase nutrient requirements, so it’s important to make sure you’re putting the right foods in your body. Since your serotonin levels are lowered when your stressed, you naturally crave sugar, which in turn triggers more stress.

The more sugar we consume, the more our blood sugar levels plummet, which in turn causes us to feel even worse. Stress can also cause fermentation in the small intestine, which causes the body to improperly break down sugars and starches. This causes bloating, increased gas, nausea, body odor, increased sweating, fatigue, and irritability.

How can you improve digestion?

I created a quick guide for you with 10 Tips to Improve Your Digestion. Download it by clicking here

Thankfully, there are many ways you can have a positive impact on your gut health, and in turn live a healthier life. Perhaps the biggest thing you can do is make sure you’re being mindful of what you’re putting into your body.

Deep-fried foods can cause chronic inflammation, MSG promotes the colonization of energy-sucking microbes, and overconsumption of alcohol can lead to leaky gut syndrome, along with many other stress related ailments.

  • Try to stick to brightly colored vegetables, fruit such as blueberries, pears, and bananas, and plenty of nuts. These foods are all known for helping create a healthy gut microbiome.

  • Be sure that you’re getting a full night’s rest. Getting at least eight hours of sleep every night has been proven to help you deal with life’s stressors, which in turn is good for your gut health.

  • Getting an adequate amount of exercise every day can also do wonders for your digestion. Research has shown that living an active lifestyle improves microbial competition and diversity.

  • Last but not least, adding a probiotic supplement to your diet is a perfect way to replenish healthy bacteria in your gut that may be lost to stress.


Stress and Your Gut. GI Society – Canadian Society of Intestinal Research. https://www.badgut.org/information-centre/a-z-digestive-topics/stress-and-your-gut/

Nutrition & Stress. Cherry Creek Nutrition. http://cherrycreeknutrition.com/nutrition-stress/

How Stress Affects Your Gut Health (and Vice Versa). Hyperbiotics. https://www.hyperbiotics.com/blogs/recent-articles/how-stress-affects-your-gut-health-and-vice-versa

Sourced with permission from AdrenalFatigue.org